P/Invoking ExtractIconEx gives me both formats (16x16 and 32x32), but I unable to combine it in one instance to set to Form.Icon. Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon gives me only one format (32x32). If icon has wrong size, the windows will scale it and it will look terrible.
When this option is disabled, it should be 32x32. when user has his taskbar with 'small icons' enabled, the icon for taskbar should be 16x16. How can I set this icon as form's icon ( Form.Icon property or something)? It may be used in form's header at left and it will be used to show form in taskbar.Īs I know, can't be created with multiple icon formats, but. I've set up the executable's icon (with at least 16x16 and 32x32 formats) in project settings and it is successfully shown in Explorer and elsewhere for.